Press. Prune. Purify.
The Journey of Redemption Through Christ.
Galatians 5:1 says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (NKJV).
The Lord is the God of Redemption. It’s true. As far off course as we can find ourselves sailing at times, Jesus always finds a way to bring us back to true North. While redemption can find us suddenly, there is a process that comes after to ensure we stay on God’s course, no longer taking to the sea alone.
Think of how the Lord redeemed his people, the Israelites. For 400 years, they slaved and toiled under the oppression of Pharoah. And just like that, the Lord provided a way of escape and even allowed the Israelites to be blessed on their way out of bondage.
The Lord was bringing the Israelites out of bondage and ultimately preparing them to enter the new land that was promised to them. The Lord wanted to make clear that the Israelites were not to step back into their place of bondage. They were to remember that it was God and God only who brought them out. So, there was a process they had to go through so that their hearts and minds would be ready to embrace the plan and purpose that God has destined for them since the beginning of time.
There is a plan and purpose that God has for us. It is unique. It is beautiful. It is perfect. But there is something familiar, ugly, and broken that wishes to destroy that purpose—sin. Those ancient sins, those dormant sins, all lurking, ready to pounce and destroy us at the very root. For 400 years, the Israelites were in bondage. How long have we been in bondage, ravaged by a sin we couldn’t let go of? I was. I was fully entangled. On the brink of being snuffed out…until. Our redeemer stretched forth his hand and pulled me from a cycle of self-destruction.
It was in this space that the Lord placed me in the process of being pressed, pruned, and purified. This is the process of redemption.
To be pressed is to be “flattened, shaped, or smoothed by the application of pressure.” We’ve heard the analogy of how olive oil is made. The olives are physically pressed, separating the liquid oil and vegetation water from the olive itself. Being pressed spiritually requires the separation of our sinful nature and our spirit. Pressure must be applied to our sinful nature so that our spirit man may rise to give God glory.
Philippians 3:14 (NIV), “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
With the redemption God has given us and the authority of the word that has been PLANTED within us, we uproot every seed that has been illegally sewn by the enemy. We pray for the Lord’s fire to consume every false and wicked seed. We pray for the wind of the Lord to swiftly reveal and remove every evil scheme of the enemy. We call all fruitless sins in our life dead. From now on, may we be as trees planted by the river, not withering, but bearing much fruit in all seasons for the Kingdom of God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Purification is the process of making unclean things clean. Think of a BRITA that filters contaminants out of your tap water. God does the same for us. His blood and his word are the filter that keeps away those unclean things. As 1 Corinthians 6:11 (NIV) says, “And such were some of you, but you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our God.” It is by his power that we have been redeemed. Though sins are as scarlet, we have been made white as snow (Isaiah 1:18, NIV). Now, we must maintain being purified by continuously doing the above. In other words, we must press and prune to remain sanctified and justified in Christ. Especially since we are the be living sacrifices unto God (Romans 12:1, NIV).
Jesus, thank you for your blood that was spilled and that has cleansed us from our sins. Keep us by your power and spirit that we may remain sanctified and justified in you. Let us be living sacrifices, holy and pleasing unto you. We declare that we shall no longer go back to who we once were. May our hearts and hands be made clean in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let’s go back to the opening scripture: Galatians 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
Here are the questions we must ask ourselves:
What is my yoke?
Am I willing to press and to be pressed?
Am I willing to prune and uproot?
Do I wish to be purified before Christ?
Such as when Christ told the accused adulterer that there is no condemnation in him. The Lord can redeem us right at this moment, for those who are desiring and willing. But remember what else he told the woman: “Go now and leave your life of sin” (John 8:11, NIV). This lets us know that with the gift, there is always a command. Today, God has given you the gift of redemption—a blessed opportunity to be cleansed by his holy spirit. But there is a command. It is a command of sacrifice. What will you sacrifice of yourself today to retain this precious gift?
Jesus, you are the vine, you are the cleanser, you are the redeemer. We call on you today that you would grant us your freedom. May you pour out your spirit of redemption upon us that we would walk in victory, knowing that we are new creations in Christ. We vow today that we shall no longer be burdened by the yoke of slavery. We shall press toward the mark, we shall prune those dead things, uproot what is not of you, and live a purified life, that is pleasing to you. We praise You for the redemption even now. In Jesus’ name. Amen.